Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Affect vs. Effect How to Choose the Right Word

Affect and effect can be difficult to keep straight. But theyre not interchangeable, so its necessary to learn the difference. Their main distinction is in the way theyre most commonly used: Affect is most often used as a verb, whereas effect is most often used as a noun. (And of course, there are exceptions—this is English, after all.) But if you cant remember which is which, theres also a trick you can use. How to Use Affect Affect, the verb, with the stress on the second syllable, is based on a Latin word that means to act on, have influence on, or do something to. The (transitive) verb is the more common form. The verb affect can also mean to make a pretense of. Someone with a fake upper-class accent has affected it and would be said to have an affectation. How to Use Effect Effect is an English noun based on a Latin word that means to work out or accomplish. The English noun effect normally means results, although sometimes it means household goods, such as when youre talking about someones estate. It can also be used in the context of an impression or noting when something new begins. Examples Lets look at some examples of the most common usages (affect as a verb and effect as a noun), using the different definitions. Affect Verb, to influence: Alcohol affects the liver.Verb, to pretend: The actor is affecting a Southern accent on stage—or trying to at least. Effect Noun, results: The effects of inflation include a reduction in discretionary spending.Noun, into operation: The new rule goes into effect next month.Noun, impression: That spooky sound was made totally for effect.Noun, goods: The adult children met to decide how to divide up their parents effects. Exceptions to the Norm As with most everything in English, there are exceptions to the norm. In the case of affect and effect, the exceptions to the most common usage would be using effect as a verb and affect as a noun. The (transitive) verb effect means to make happen, to bring about, to cause, or to accomplish. He effected a settlement to the negotiations.Congress effected changes to the law. Effect as a verb is more common than affect as a noun, which is used in psychological jargon. The noun affect, with stress on the first syllable, means a mental state. The patient had a particular affect  that the doctor noted. How to Remember the Difference Remembering the difference for most usages of affect and effect can be as easy as remembering which is the verb or which is the noun and plugging the right one into the sentence based on usage. Or follow these steps to decide which one to use: Is it a (transitive) verb or a noun?If a noun,Is it psychological jargon?If its psychological jargon, it may be affect, with an a.If its not psychological jargon, its effect, with an e.If its a verb, is it closer in meaning to accomplish or to bring about,  or is it closer to influence?If its a verb meaning to bring about, its effect, with an e, unless its an affectation.If its a verb meaning influence, its affect, with an a. If you need a rule to remember on the fly for the most common usage (affect as a verb and effect as a noun), remember that there will always be an a involved. Youll either affect something, or there will be an effect. Sources â€Å"Affect | Definition of Affect in English by Oxford Dictionaries.†Ã‚  Oxford Dictionaries | English, Oxford Dictionaries, en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/affect.â€Å"Effect | Definition of Effect in English by Oxford Dictionaries.†Ã‚  Oxford Dictionaries | English, Oxford Dictionaries, en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/effect.Purdue Writing Lab. â€Å"Spelling: Common Words That Sound Alike // Purdue Writing Lab.†Ã‚  Purdue Writing Lab, owl.purdue.edu/owl/general_writing/grammar/spelling_common_words_that_sound_alike.html.

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